music, thoughts, books, dreams, more

Just my world of dreams, music and thoughts. Author of two books, one a novel of Love stories set in Framingham, Mass, Secrets of the Heart the 2nd book an autobiography of growing up in Framingham, Mass. Small Town America, Framingham My generation was the first teenage generation, that was when the word was coined. Ours was the generation that started cruising through town and to the drive in theater and drive in restaurant. In our area, Ernie Kampersal,from Holliston, drove his bucking car through town, picking up girls. It rose in the air, like a stallion! We went to the soda shops and played the juke boxes. It was a different town, a different time, and it belonged to us!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

DMT The Spirit Molecule, reviewed by me on Amazon

4.0 out of 5 stars How can we reach our future with the least damageMay 24, 2014
madlyn fafard (Florida, USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor's Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences (Paperback)
Just finished reading this very interesting book, and again, maybe I am off beat in my reviews, but my thoughts can't help it...At the end of the book the author is looking back, at the outcome of the study having his own natural human thoughts. He makes a statement that there are so many helpful not harmful new drugs coming out. Immediately that is the warning sign for me. For it is my guess, and of course only my guess, that our bodies face new dangers with drugs. ( Example the Testostorone drugs being sold like candy right now and immediately following their release lawyers ads swarm, "Were you damaged?")
The history of the world has shown that even ancient people reserved the use of drugs to their Shamans and their decisions on how to give them to the populace. The advent of licensed doctors is another way of looking at the use of drugs., and treatments for our human problems. In no way am I proselytizing for a side, just stating what I thought of as I read the book. So, if you like to read, learn , think about and consider, this is a great way to achieve that goal. The results of the tests and the statements about science, like light interference allowing parellel worlds to clash/co-incide,overlap, is very good thought material. I read books to solve mysteries they contain, and look for clues to tie ideas together, this makes a book like this very interesting to me. You are probably wondering or guessing by now, I am not a drug user, never experimented and always felt that drugs should be used as the last resort. My philosophy is stay as natural to nature as possible.
This book was easy to read. I enjoyed the presentation and the disclosures that we all have to think about, when we journey into the worlds of drugs. How do they make us feel, are they worth it to us as individuals and to society. (The use of anti-biotics, has given rise to a super strain of bacteria, that requires more and stronger new anti-biotics?)
One interesting observation was that some of the folks in the study, who had used recreational drugs before DMT, decided they no longer were interested in recreational drugs, and wanted to enjoy life as it was laid out for them to experience without any more drug use. The Buddhist group that the author belonged to, felt that the drug study should stop
While the author mentions ways of taking drugs, in crowds at a concert to experience humanity or in a beautiful setting with friends to get a great "high" and glimpse of other worlds, I think, why? So much of the unseen can be reached through natural channels, meditation, vicariously through reading and dreaming, etc. Yes, I know we all can not do that, but there have been many ways to treat illness and disability through the centuries, not all of us can be treated without the use of drugs, but on the other hand, is our society over prescribing drugs, because they reach the goal sooner? The mixed reactions of the tests attest to the fact that all our bodies are different and have different tolerances. Ritalin use comes to mind, and how anxious we were to use it, and now we find there are some problems developing because of the use, or is it the overuse of Ritalin.
Margaret Mead a famous anthropologist of the past, studied how native populationsSex and Temperament: In Three Primitive Societies of the South Pacific would treat sexual problems . ( I had to guess at which one of her books I was reading those many years ago. This is what I recall of that book, the natives had a hut that people visited when they had sexual needs that could not be satisfied by their partner. It was accepted that anyone could go to the hut, and have sex with anyone they chose to have sex with in the hut. Would we do that and accept that as a short cut to solving sexual problems?
Lastly, what else drove me to this book? It was a vision I shared with a Catholic Sister at the death bed of my mother. What could have caused this? Why would we both have seen and experienced the same vision? The release of DMT was a possibility, but how and why both of us? The interference of light of course, that allowed us to have a shared vision, is the first thing I recognized, however, the DMT had to be released from the pineal gland, and what mechanism could have done that to both of us at the same time. Our vibrating bodies, had to have a step up in vibration ? What could cause the normal vibrations of our bodies to step up to a higher vibration so we would experience the same vision? These are the questions and I learned answers as I read this book.
This is one of the questions I am trying to find an answer for.....maybe you too, would like to know what we are doing in society to create an increase in Autism. My personal unproven opinion is that drug use, oxycontin, for example has increased and there is possibly a link to drug use, by future parents to the increase in Autism. Is anyone studying this?  
  The future or our children is in our hearts, we need to find what we are doing wrong, and correct it, so an induced visit to  "inner worlds" with drug use does not create  damaged children committed to a hell on earth. ( if this is in fact leading us to more damaged children)

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