music, thoughts, books, dreams, more

Just my world of dreams, music and thoughts. Author of two books, one a novel of Love stories set in Framingham, Mass, Secrets of the Heart the 2nd book an autobiography of growing up in Framingham, Mass. Small Town America, Framingham My generation was the first teenage generation, that was when the word was coined. Ours was the generation that started cruising through town and to the drive in theater and drive in restaurant. In our area, Ernie Kampersal,from Holliston, drove his bucking car through town, picking up girls. It rose in the air, like a stallion! We went to the soda shops and played the juke boxes. It was a different town, a different time, and it belonged to us!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

: The Pianist: Adrien Brody, Thomas Kretschmann, Frank Finlay, Maureen Lipman: Movies & TV The Pianist: Adrien Brody, Thomas Kretschmann, Frank Finlay, Maureen Lipman: Movies & TV

This was an amazing film, it was so emotional for me to watch this suffering, and imagine how it was for those people who endured, not only the war, but hiding from the German's ....This film fills you with compassion .  The horror of a war started by a megalomaniac, ( Hitler)  that ended with the horror of the Atomic bomb experienced by my generation in our life times.. We experienced the people, the culture and the emotions of the generation before us, often referred to as THE GREATEST GENERATION.  I often think this is why my generation that is now leaving us, was different, our voices, our actions were different, we grew up in a world of heroes.  In our lifetime we fought for Civil Rights, we fought for our protection from facism, communism, etc. I could go on with the glory that we felt in fighting for our country and the rights of its people under the Constitution. Now those fights have diminished yet, returned in disguise wearing new least  in my opinion, maybe not in your opinion.

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