music, thoughts, books, dreams, more

Just my world of dreams, music and thoughts. Author of two books, one a novel of Love stories set in Framingham, Mass, Secrets of the Heart the 2nd book an autobiography of growing up in Framingham, Mass. Small Town America, Framingham My generation was the first teenage generation, that was when the word was coined. Ours was the generation that started cruising through town and to the drive in theater and drive in restaurant. In our area, Ernie Kampersal,from Holliston, drove his bucking car through town, picking up girls. It rose in the air, like a stallion! We went to the soda shops and played the juke boxes. It was a different town, a different time, and it belonged to us!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Diamonds are a girls best friend, or is it a house?

Diamonds are a girl's best friend, how can we forget Marilyn Monroe singing that......and on his last divorce,    Rod Stewart said something like this,
next time, instead of getting married, I will just give her the house.

  Wow! you should see his house!  It was in one of the magazines, and it is my taste, lots of color and excitement, something like an ice cream sundae in feeling that you could just plunge into and explore with taste, sight, and feeling.  He obviously likes color and beautiful things!

Houses are for everyone who knows how to save money, and if you haven't started, start this week.  A good income can even help you get an equity loan if you need a downpayment, can you believe that...???Call us today for your chance to get into your first house, or your mansion, or something in between
we cover the waterfront...well actually, there is no water, but we cover all the price ranges for new houses......$200,000 ( can you believe that) to million plus with home theater and gym, under construction now in Natick...508-881-6662.  Be pleasantly surprised at our deals!

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