music, thoughts, books, dreams, more

Just my world of dreams, music and thoughts. Author of two books, one a novel of Love stories set in Framingham, Mass, Secrets of the Heart the 2nd book an autobiography of growing up in Framingham, Mass. Small Town America, Framingham My generation was the first teenage generation, that was when the word was coined. Ours was the generation that started cruising through town and to the drive in theater and drive in restaurant. In our area, Ernie Kampersal,from Holliston, drove his bucking car through town, picking up girls. It rose in the air, like a stallion! We went to the soda shops and played the juke boxes. It was a different town, a different time, and it belonged to us!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Mandelbrot - The Secret Life of Chaos - BBC 4 Preview

 Here we go.....self our body, in nature, in the world we create, and the world we try to create...with ideas, that are then restrained by  rules regulations and taxation....Maybe the whole idea I have is to vague to convey, but when listening to this Guru of the technology world, I agreed and disagreed.  Sometimes I wonder if the beauty of science is so captivating that the thought of Socializing and improving the world becomes grander than the rules of nature, of chaos theory, of the fact that every individual has a different path, a different set of genes, of intelligence, a different way to approach his/her purpose on earth...and we can not do it with algorithms.  Even my author admits, that he is unsure if we can change the world...and even out the flow of he blames the computer for the failure of jobs for the middle class.....WHICH I DO NOT AGREE WITH....I think he has to delve more into chaos theory, and the restrains on companies created by rules and regulations, and the jump to conclusions...Even in Chaos theory, delving deep down, things smooth out and recover.....sooooooo!!!!! More to come, just remember, what do I know...???

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