music, thoughts, books, dreams, more

Just my world of dreams, music and thoughts. Author of two books, one a novel of Love stories set in Framingham, Mass, Secrets of the Heart the 2nd book an autobiography of growing up in Framingham, Mass. Small Town America, Framingham My generation was the first teenage generation, that was when the word was coined. Ours was the generation that started cruising through town and to the drive in theater and drive in restaurant. In our area, Ernie Kampersal,from Holliston, drove his bucking car through town, picking up girls. It rose in the air, like a stallion! We went to the soda shops and played the juke boxes. It was a different town, a different time, and it belonged to us!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Best sales people needed for best new home selections in area, full commission office, always was, and always will be

We pay standard commissions for the industry! Commission for your listing.... and commission for  your sale.   Sales commission when you sell our listings!  PLUS, we may be the only office around that pays an assist for helping other brokers sell our office listings.  How can you beat that?

Our office is easy, because you don't have to go get listings, you can concentrate on selling our listings.  We can use part timers on Sundays, and part timers during the week.  Commercial and residential opportunities both full and part time.  An hourly paid job is available now, if you have a laptop, modem and can use it in your car, or anywhere.  Prefer sales experienced, call Janet 508-881-1600

WHY WORK ANYWHERE ELSE!  WE HAVE PRODUCT, PRICE AND LOCATIONS, ALWAYS....!!!  Fafard Real Estate 508-881-1600 ask for Janet

LOOK AT THIS OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE MONEY IN SALES...come see our houses being built now on Silver Lake Road, Bellingham, or in other subdivisions, like Marlboro, Uxbridge, Hopkinton, Holden, Ashland,.Milford, we ring the 495 area, in all prices, sizes . Choices of styles abound.  If you are the best, why not have the best selection of new homes in the area to sell?

100 houses coming soon in Bellingham, sales will be a piece of cake, because we will have the best prices in the whole area!  We are in final stages of approval,  sales will probably start in the fall.
We need sales people, come learn now,  be ready to start selling in the fall.  We need Sundays 10-2
and 2-6 for the fall traffic, tuesday morning sales meeting and site visits..the rest of the time work from home by appointment. Learn as you earn, license not necessary.

If you like to specialize in customized homes, we have 8 houses under construction in Natick to beat the winter, so you can sell them in 3-4 months rather than wait 6 months or longer to close.  Price in Natick are in the $900,000's and up. Then if your customer loves the house, but wants to save money you can move them 5 miles west to Holliston, or Marlboro on the Sudbury Line.  Choices are what we are all about and lots of them. Licensed MLS salespeople to work site Sundays, needed. 

In our low price range,the first mortage payment runs about $800-900 a month, so you can afford to get an equity loan from the same lender with payments being under $1,500 a month total with taxes, etc.    This is just an off the top of my head example, but if you know how to figure loans, use $200,000which is our lowest price....HOW CAN YOU BEAT IT....LESS THAN RENT...
credit for taxes, what more can you ask for.  Ths is based on a loan with interest at aprx 4.72%

Shopping centers, for retail space. Milford, Westboro, Marlboro,Ashland, other coming soon! Office space , mixed use space, entertainment space,  land for sale, work out of the Milford office, weekdays, part time, or full time, or work from home as a commission , licensed sales person.

Give us a try, if you are struggling to get listings that sell, why not concentrate on just selling on site, and picking up customers for MLS at the same time?

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