music, thoughts, books, dreams, more

Just my world of dreams, music and thoughts. Author of two books, one a novel of Love stories set in Framingham, Mass, Secrets of the Heart the 2nd book an autobiography of growing up in Framingham, Mass. Small Town America, Framingham My generation was the first teenage generation, that was when the word was coined. Ours was the generation that started cruising through town and to the drive in theater and drive in restaurant. In our area, Ernie Kampersal,from Holliston, drove his bucking car through town, picking up girls. It rose in the air, like a stallion! We went to the soda shops and played the juke boxes. It was a different town, a different time, and it belonged to us!

Monday, May 10, 2010

The First War of Physics by Jim Baggott

If you only read the review of this book,  by Michael Dobbs, in the Sunday, May 8, 2010, New York Times Book Review, Page 18, you will gather information from the past, that will help you make decisions for the future.  This book was first published November  5,2009, as a paperback.  The hardcover is missing the word Atomic on the cover.  The hard cover was published, April 13,2010, with the new title , The First War of Physics.

Basically, what Dobbs, the reviewer says is,  it boils down to is a war within a war, just as we are now fighting a war within a war.

In reading the review, I could only think about us now, in view of the past.
  Our voices are side is fighting a war for God, our side is trying to bring Democracy, but there has to be more to it than that.  Why are we building roads, school, bridges, etc., in the middle east, when in our own country, the bridges are crumbling, the schools are not keeping up with the changes in society, our construction industry is flat on it's back, and the world is tumbling down around us, as jobs disappear, and economies drift toward the bottom.  Union workers are demonizing Greece, objecting to the cut backs that have to come as Greece struggles to get back on its feet.  We are just overwhelmed with our entitlement programs around the world, our generosity exceeds our pocketbooks....all this, as we send our resources overseas, never to recoup them.   We need to modernize our own world.  Have you seen the pictures of Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, today?

These two cities were totally destroyed by the two  Atomic Bombs , Fat Man and Little Boy in 1945, today, these cities put our cities to shame with their beauty!  Oh, if only we could put our efforts, our precious resources toward this wondrous beauty, instead of war.  You can find pictures of these cities on the internet, by the way.

The most important paragraph in this review by Michael Dobbs, is the last paragraph.  He states, that this book reminds us, that wars are more than a fight on battlefields.  They are also a struggle between competing ideologies,  competing economic stystems, competing ways of life, and the military potential each country has.

When I was in college, Dr. Bowler my economics professor proclaimed one day, (in the 1960's) that wars of the future would be gorilla wars, because that was the only way to come after a super power.  It was as though a light went on in my head, because in that moment in time, I knew he was correct, and we have seen it come to pass!  Yet, we have done nothing to successfully wage war against our enemies.  We have not come together as a people, all we do is bicker while one side trys to find every redemable reason for the enemy to act the way he acts, instead of us joining and acting together against the enemy.  Why is it so difficult to come together, and face the threat as gorilla warfare.  Just look at what gorilla warfare is doing to Mexico, and some of the other countries, who have let this type of war wage on and on.  Yes, the drug wars, are also gorilla warfare,   it is the most fearsome way of war, because it becomes personal, so leaders become afraid to act.  Maybe gorilla warfare began in our country back in the 60's with the Weathermen,  it's success was noted, and used from then on by dissident groups, drug dealers, the underworld, etc.   We never waged a successful war on drugs, so we showed the world we can not handle a counter attack on gorilla warfare, because we will not fight that way. 

Now, back to that last paragraph,  he says that in the second world war the underlying war within the war, was the race to build the 'bomb'.  He goes on to say, and I quote, "  The nuclear arms race underscores an important historical truth:  It was America's strengths as a society, and not simply as a miliary power, that led to victory in both World War 2 and the cold war."

Comon, you guys, you are the generation who will end up with this mess!  We need to say "No" to drugs, if you don't know now, that they fuel gorilla warfare, then we are in real trouble.  Illegal drug sales fuel most if not all of gorilla warfare, trillions of dollars of our money, comes back to us in bombs ( also fueled by the illegal sale of weapons) ! 

We need new strategies, and we need to try things, we can not sit back and take the psycological pathway, some people feel we need before we  take actions.  We need to try  things, maybe we need to mind our own business, as we did at the beginning of the second world war, be isolationist, and wait, til our society catches up and can control its own behavior.  Maybe we need to stand back from other people's problems,.  Perhaps we need to charge for our expenses, our troops and equipment that we abandon in far way countries, charge others  for re-building their world.   That brings us to the most important question, should we stop  policing the world, after all we were never voted in for that by the world's population.

 Incongruous, that we police the world but, can not police our own borders!  We rebuild war torn countries, but not our own!  Shame on us! Someone has to be brave enough to come up with ideas, and get the population behind him or her...!!  Who amongst this new generation will step up to the plate?

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