music, thoughts, books, dreams, more

Just my world of dreams, music and thoughts. Author of two books, one a novel of Love stories set in Framingham, Mass, Secrets of the Heart the 2nd book an autobiography of growing up in Framingham, Mass. Small Town America, Framingham My generation was the first teenage generation, that was when the word was coined. Ours was the generation that started cruising through town and to the drive in theater and drive in restaurant. In our area, Ernie Kampersal,from Holliston, drove his bucking car through town, picking up girls. It rose in the air, like a stallion! We went to the soda shops and played the juke boxes. It was a different town, a different time, and it belonged to us!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Consilience in action

At the Land trust dinner last night, I had a conversation with a former teacher, who immediately declared me his enemy, because I represented, construction noise, houses, and traffic. (He is opposed to development, now that he has his house). In essence he is declaring what many selfish people declare, that everyone around him/them, should not be allowed to sell their land to developers.

Harmony, is what we all want, and when we do not like the by-laws of the town we live in and when change comes, we have the freedom to pick up and move, rather than to deny our neighbor his rights under the law. Unfortunately, many people would rather deny their neighbor than to upset their own status quo. What is new under the sun?

In thinking about the contentions, a major one is property. Who owns it, how can I control it, reap rewards from it, and make it mine without paying for it? Bam! we are back in the ancient world! The Roman Empire was at its height and the Jews were fighting for the right to take back their land, practice their religion, and terrorists (Zealots) were at work, stoning the Roman soldiers and driving them out, only to have them return in more force, and more destruction of the Zealots. Consilience has a major role in the happenings of that time, what natural underlying laws of nature were causing the continuing violence, and how could it have been solved by the Romans who stepped out to grow an empire, with great success for a long period of time?

Consilience is interesting as we apply it to the problems of life. There are a million questions that you can pose, and discuss, about how far we should go, to provide happiness and equality to everyone. Is that the right role of us individually or collectively? If everyone is created equal, why are women paid less then men, and considered less valuable, in the rank of society for one example. Why are the borders closed to illegal immigrants, if they are equal, should they be allowed to travel anywhere they want in the world for a job? Do we need man made laws if everyone is equal ? You might think that this is leading to foolishness, but, in fact it is leading to deeper thinking about ourselves, our posturing, our laws, our abilities and what in reality we face on this earth.

To me it is clear that we are not all equal. We all have different problems and challenges to face.

Is it a challenge to figure out how to stay on welfare your whole life, or is the real challenge to face what kind of job you can hold, even if only one day a week, for four hours. People with fear of going out of their home, would they allow themselves to die, if they had to cooperate in the cave for food? On and on, we could go, about how we treat people on welfare, paying them to get rid of their problems instead of working to help them become able to face the challenges of life. Our actions commit generations of children to welfare existence, in my opinion, maybe not yours, but I sure would like to know you thought hard about what I am saying.

What would happen, if instead of handouts, we provided jobs, and you had to be at the job, picked up by a bus and delivered home by a bus, to get your welfare check. Your children would come with you and be cared for in a day care situation, so there is no excuse to stay home with babies. You would not get your own apartment , but rather a room, or number of rooms in a rooming house. Everyday, you would be expected to do something for your check, just as the original cave people did, every one according to his ability limited as it may be, had a chore or chores to do, survival depended on cooperation.

That is enough consilience for the day, but gives you something to think about, as you daydream your way through the improving future. Are we doing our soul work on earth?

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