music, thoughts, books, dreams, more

Just my world of dreams, music and thoughts. Author of two books, one a novel of Love stories set in Framingham, Mass, Secrets of the Heart the 2nd book an autobiography of growing up in Framingham, Mass. Small Town America, Framingham My generation was the first teenage generation, that was when the word was coined. Ours was the generation that started cruising through town and to the drive in theater and drive in restaurant. In our area, Ernie Kampersal,from Holliston, drove his bucking car through town, picking up girls. It rose in the air, like a stallion! We went to the soda shops and played the juke boxes. It was a different town, a different time, and it belonged to us!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

How wonderful !  His talent is spectacular and he is now teaching others to use  discarded material to make art.
Lee's Cotton Picker Art
Lee A. Washington, Artist
Rolling Fork, Mississippi


Cotton picker spindles are used in my Agriculture Power and Machinery shop to make chipping hammers to clean spatter and slag off metal after the welding process. While on spring break in 2001, I was given some used spindles. After making the chipping hammers, I wondered what I could do with the extra spindles. After arranging them in several positions, I was able to see a stick-man. At that point, I decided to try making a man. One spindle made the body and then other spindles were used for the arms and legs. I welded all parts together. I was not satisfied with the results, so I made another and another. Now I can make just about whatever I put my mind to!

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