music, thoughts, books, dreams, more

Just my world of dreams, music and thoughts. Author of two books, one a novel of Love stories set in Framingham, Mass, Secrets of the Heart the 2nd book an autobiography of growing up in Framingham, Mass. Small Town America, Framingham My generation was the first teenage generation, that was when the word was coined. Ours was the generation that started cruising through town and to the drive in theater and drive in restaurant. In our area, Ernie Kampersal,from Holliston, drove his bucking car through town, picking up girls. It rose in the air, like a stallion! We went to the soda shops and played the juke boxes. It was a different town, a different time, and it belonged to us!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Soul Genome by Paul Von Ward

This link is to a pod cast..

This book is an interesting and very plausible beginning on the road to lifting the veil of mystery. In thinking about the book, I remembered a book I read shortly after my daughter died, it gave me hope and I loved it. In fact, I was drawn to the book store the day I bought it. Crying over the loss of my daughter, I decided to take a ride, and as I approached the book store, I decided suddenly to go in and look for hope in the aisles.

I walked over to the new book section and as I browsed, this book, fell out of the books into my hand. I did not have any idea what it was about, but, it caught my attention and after I read it, I began to think about the co-incidence of finding it, the way I did.

The Hearts Code....talks about the results of heart transplants and how people change as a result of a transplant. It is a breathtaking book, written by a doctor who had a heart transplant himself. Read the review, from the link.

The Hearts Code is yet another factual story, an interesting possibility of the existence of a soul, separate from the matter that we are encased in, yet enter twined in that matter, to the point where it still exists in the organs that are transplanted.

When you are cremated, do you thus remove all portions of the soul, that are still in the organs that have not given up with brain death? Is this why Buddhists desire cremation, as my daughter did, after embracing Buddhism?

The Soul Genome, speaks of Rupert Sheldrake's studies, and Dean Radin (Entangled Minds) and their findings, both of which I am familiar with. It is certainly worth getting these three minds in a room and having them discuss what they are working on, together. Why is this not believable?

As I read , The Soul Genome, at around page 78, it occurred to me that this gives more fact to
the Virgin Birth, the Crucifixion, and the Resurrection, if true. Faith is necessary now, if you believe in Jesus. But, just think about this, if the possibilities of the soul entering separately into the new person are so, re-incarnated or not, then a Virgin birth could rise into the realm of possibility,and the crucifixion of Christ as described could be more plausible, and the mystery of what appears to be radiation on the Shroud of Turin, could be possibly radiation to cause the Resurrection.


Anonymous said...

This is a comment from the author, Paul Von Ward. Based on other entries in this blog, Madlyn is one of those intellectually curious people with a broad range of interests. Her blog entries reveal a seeking personality who wants to understand both the mundane and the more illusive concepts of science. She has the ability to synthesize both levels into a workable model of the large field of the human being.

I encourage others to follow her inclinations to explore the frontiers of knowledge. That led her to my book and those of colleagues like Ervin Lazlo, Paul Pearsall and researchers in the IONS network.

Thanks you, Madlyn, for making connections, a true spirit of service to the larger community, Paul

Anonymous said...

This is a comment from the author, Paul Von Ward. Based on other entries in this blog, Madlyn is one of those intellectually curious people with a broad range of interests. Her blog entries reveal a seeking personality who wants to understand both the mundane and the more illusive concepts of science. She has the ability to synthesize both levels into a workable model of the larger field of the human being.

I encourage others to follow her inclinations to explore the frontiers of knowledge. That led her to my book and those of colleagues like Ervin Lazlo, Paul Pearsall and researchers in the IONS network.

Thanks you, Madlyn, for making connections, a true spirit of service to the larger community, Paul