Sleep Walk ~ Boots Randolph 1964 comon ! great sax song

Sleepwalk is a classic and perfect for a sax the drag sound of the sax.....

I CAN'T GET STARTED - Bunny Berigan 1937

So great, I just had to listen to this recording again tonight, it was a song for the alto sax, with John Park and Stan me, this is the best presentation of the song....

Jewish Influence on Broadway Music on WGBH Bostonright now...its great

what a wonderful program its on WGBH Boston right now....44 on my tv....if you love should enjoy this show...

Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens

Civic League dances in the moonlight on the parking lot across from St. Stephens church, First National Store was on the other corner, across from the parking lot.  Bobby Sculos opened a men's clothing store, right there on the end of the strip center on the same side as the church.  Nancy Hoey, was his first employee?  Friends Jim,became a judge in Framingham Court, and Joe became a teacher(, he loved ragtime piano).  Bob became a teacher and coach in Framingham...anyone know who they were?

1947 HITS ARCHIVE: Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens - Louis Jordan

We called this Bee Bop! We had so much fun dancing to this.....can you see the girls swinging in the air....none of us did that in Framingham, but on started to happen...

"And the Angels Sing" Benny Goodman and his Orchestra

the times....war was looming in Europe, the folks who were part of the great immigration of the 1900's had entered the 2nd generation in the United States.  Life held promise as all races, and ethnic origins blended in the world of our culture, as expressed in the fabulous music of the 1930's which continued to blossom into the 1940's and early 1950's.  Then we went through the 2nd World War....with another blending of enthnicty and culture, that gave us heroes in all walks of life.

and perhaps the best arrangement of the song of all time

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Vaughn Monroe - Moon Over Miami

Just about now, the show at the Meadows would be starting with the owner singing one of his hits, Vaughn Monroe, was the hit of the area, with the wonderful Meadows on Rt 9....we had so much in those wonderful years... and this ....oh! this is my favorite arrangment...what a song...! Click on the link below if you love music, as I do...what style, what an arrangment!

Soft Summer Breeze By Eddie Heywood, for Beegie Adair to recreate

htts://    touch the link here to see the tabletop version of the jukebox, we had at the Wellworth, back in the 1950's , this was a song I alway thought was Liberace, but  I do remember now, it was Eddie Hayward, who was so great ....I wish Beegie Adair would make a recording of this..

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Warsaw Concerto written for a movie! Imagine !

Stunning music written for this movie, The Warsaw Concerto