Thursday, June 27, 2013

"Disinformation", a new book

Ex-spy chief: Obama thrives on ‘Disinformation’#wi3cIEgYJirvZ64C.03

 Has it ever occurred to you that a spy agency could operate other than the way we think....and why not?  Did you wonder why the Pope who had done so much to help the Jews during the 2nd World War, would end up with a contrary reputation, as I wondered?

Just picture a novel, based on this.....the Government of the United States controlled by the Unions over whelms the citizenry, and the military to establish a the year 2030....

Will that be the next George Orwell novel...2030

 I am thinking about it, how about you?

Here is the storyline  of my  new imaginary novel titled     2030...
shall we write it together?
Long term planning by  the Soviet Union using disinformation to take over the news organizations, the colleges, and all forms of government of the United States to build power for the people, through the unions...
the unions, who run our government, get our leaders elected, etc are among the first visitors to the new white house
get the union balance sheet removed from having to become public by March of the new administration
eventually the unions are able to  take over the country with their strength, because  union employees are loyal to the union , not to the government
they overwhelm the military and the US becomes a dictatorship.
The results of the take over are bankruptcy of the cities and states, then eventually the Federal Government,
 but before that happens the military is forced to shrink and then collapse from lack of funding, science projects are cut back, and all necessary infrastructure is de- funded, along with the ability to be independent for our supply of natural resources to power the grid, and commerce.
Any takers to write this novel with me?

Monday, June 24, 2013

Hugh Laurie - Didn't It Rain (Canal +)

Look who I found doing a Mahalia Jackson song!  Nice

Henry Mancini - Baby Elephant Walk

Comon now, if you don't recognize the music of Henry Mancini, you are missing it....I have a theory that we all have a rhythm of life and nothing demonstrates it more than a composer or a singer, like Carly Simon.

The Pink Panther Theme - Henry Mancini & His Orchestra

is this critter related?  Peter Gunn we are listening...or is it just the style, the great style of Henry Mancini

Peter Gunn - Henry Mancini

Mancini, can you hear the Pink Panther....sneaking up on Peter Gunn?

NIGHT TRAIN by Jimmy Forrest 1951

here is when Night Train began to break into our consciousness....and then it took off with many other versions

Earl Bostic - Night Train

Wow, did he drag the notes good to taste the music on both arrangements...

Louis Prima - Night Train

  we have to listen to this then go back to Earl Bostic on this number...and I love , love this too!

Earl Bostic - Flamingo

this worn out record of mine, shows the style of Earl Bostic, can anyone capture it today?

Fats Domino - blueberry hill

Fats Domino had a certain style, that was totally different than Louis Armstrong, loved both arrangements

Little Richard - Good Golly Miss Molly

you cant go through life not knowing Little Richard...

Louis Prima------Jump,Jive an'Wail

ha ha, this is one of my favorite Louis Prima numbers and you have to laugh, when he starts doing the jitterbug with Keely Smith, and she just stands there, while he bops around on stage...You can see his personality , it drew the Rat Pack for years....Sammy, Peter, Frank Joey...and Dean...

The Lion Sleeps Tonight- The Lion King

For all ages of Africa..we are the world...time to think of what to get the kids for Christmas, and this Disney film is wonderful for little ones especially.

Cabin in the Sky 1943 - pt 1 - credits

Lena Horne so beautiful, such a voice in a film I remember from childhood....