Saturday, April 14, 2012

Edge : Conversations on the edge of human knowledge

Edge : Conversations on the edge of human knowledge  Any eggheads here?  Great stuff, especially the self replicating, this gives us food for thought!

Los Indios Tabajaras Adios, Begin the Beguine

  How can this song, Adios, be so beautiful with such a simple melody?  is it just that they found their guitars in a magic jungle,as they once said.  Was it so magic that when they picked up the guitars, they could not resist the notes calling their fingers .....and off into forever, the music carries us... Adios a song that calls an end, but promises a its unending beauty.  So my journey through the reality of others in the world ends today for attention to my everyday reality

St Regis Resort Bora Bora

I always wondered where this was, maybe when my husband and I marry in our next life, we will go here for a honeymoon.  Try and build it in this country!

Aboriginal Music by Richard Walley

The music has the OM sound of Buddism, doesn't it?

Thomas Edison - Wikiquote

Thomas Edison - Wikiquote    Maybe true inspiration comes from people like Thomas Edison

The Mission of Rudolf Steiner: by Dr. Ernst Katz

The Mission of Rudolf Steiner: by Dr. Ernst Katz  Last night or early this morning, I watched a television program about the human body.  The Framingham Heart Study was mentioned and information from it indicated we are still evolving, only now, we are getting shorter and stouter.   This could be because no one walks anymore, the way we walked once, marching as armies, walking for Christ, as St Paul did, or traveling from place to place.  We were walkers even in my childhood, when we walked to Milford from Framingham and back, because cars were not available like they are today.

 It also discussed how drying alcolholic drinks are to the body, the mouth and organs.   Something I always believed, was that alchol and drugs, cause our arteries and veins to shrink, as does the brain shrink in its cavity, this is where hangovers come from, the shrinking of the brain in its cavity, because the water is drawn from your body tissue.  The alcohol, causes 4 times the amount of water to leave the body than what you drank in alcohol, now that makes sense.    So jumping to the next topic, of a changing evolving human being....

If you read about Rudolf Steiner, who was a forever man in this world, you will see that it is entirely possible, that we have left the dreaming world, the world the Aborigines spoke of so well in their oral history.  Could this be?  How can we ever know what is right and what is wrong about what we should believe.  Maybe there is a guide, inside of us, the very same guide that helps us make decisions, that helps us to know right from wrong?

Jobs' Last Words: 'Oh Wow'

this is appropriate to follow the previous post.

Man dies, comes back to life, what he saw

An experience like no other, how many have experienced something like this?

Yoga Mudra for Arthritis & Joint Pain by Acharya Vikrmaditya Acharya Kes...

How many can have the time and patience to begin this?  Yoga is more popular now, than it was 50 years ago, when we had the first yoga rage in the country

Great Chinese State Circus - Swan Lake

Mind and body control, wow, some of us can't control our mouths.

Bee Gees - Massachusetts (2/32)

Left the gorgeous weather  swaying palm trees and beautiful beachs of Florida to return to gorgeous Massachusetts,  its  flowering fruit trees,  peeking violets,  stately oaks and spruce, the wonder of the woodlands!  Remembering the Bee Gees and the song of Massachusetts

Sissel Kyrkjebø - Here there and everywhere (The Beatles)

Another song of the Century, I absolutely love it by the Beatles, but thought I would look for someone else to help you fall in love with this song, as I have.

Somewhere Over The Rainbow - Johnny Mathis & Ray Charles - Duet

and when two giants combine with their inner rhythms , creative genius and tecnique, you get this, which is incredible in my mind.

Eric Clapton - Over The Rainbow - Los Angeles 2001

all of us have an inner rhythm
, this combines with technique and your inner ear to make the most beautiful music

Layla - Eric Clapton - Lyrics

A song for the Century, don't you agree?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

La Cantina celebrates - Framingham, MA - The MetroWest Daily News

La Cantina celebrates - Framingham, MA - The MetroWest Daily News   Mr and Mrs Leo Mencoboni senior started the business, they were the people in my hometown, when I was groing up.  It is so nice to see the business continuing in the family.  Good Fortune!