Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A vision inspired my book, Secrets of the Heart

About 15 years ago, when my mother lay dying, I shared a vision with her, and the Sister that was in charge of the nursing home. I cried for weeks, because I could not believe it, nor did I feel that I should be able to witness this magnificent gift.. Finally, I was motivated by various circumstances, beginning with a friend who kept telling me he was writing a book. He would ask, " Why don't you write a book?"

Since this was the most momentous event in my life, I spun a yarn around the event of my mother's death, and the death of my daughter Karen. It is a hopeful book for those that are dying, and for those that fear dying. It is a book of love, between man and woman, the self and God, told in dreams and visions, sprinkled with songs of the times, going back to the 1940's and 1950's.