Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Black Swan, Nassim Nicholas Taleb

I have been reading this book along with a couple of other books, and was surprised to see the author on Charlie Rose last night, so I followed along.  His explanation often went to the most simple, and the easiest to understand.  Picture your own household budget, would you spend more money when you were in debt?  His argument is that those who have saved and acted responsibily in society , are being forced to pay for those who over extended and acted in a non responsible way.   Thus if you were responsible, your bank account is dwindling to pay for the ecessive spending of the people that did not have the money to spend.

He further states that Black Swans are unpredictable, and we need to always be prepared for one to pop up.  It is impossible to chart and look back and assume that going forward the same events will take place.  Not much different than our mother's and father's told us when they said, "save for a rainy day!" 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Richard Feynman

How could I forget this genius?  I had three of his books, I bought in a packet, gathering dust until I finally read them.  Once I got started I loved them.  I left them for my daughter to find, out in a conspicuous place, and sure enough after a few years, she too found them and delighted in them as I did.  Having grown up with  "mathitis,' who would have dreamed ?
Six Easy Pieces: Essentials of Physics Explained by Its Most Brilliant Teacher

Teaching children the magic of reading, recognizing problems early

For the Grandmother, who adores her grandchildren, or the Mom, who wants to bring magic to her child., read with them.!   Dad's ,you too will be amazed at how you can bond with your child.

You will probably remember this, "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,"as one of the best of Roald Dahl's books.   It is also a movie so I present the movie, the book and a whole set of Dahl's books.  You can not force a child to read, they have to discover the wonder of it, usually through guidance by an adult.

 My mother read to me on her knee,  I had visions of the stories  as she read  aloud my favorite books while a 3 year old.  It was  the Raggedy Ann and Andy series, I wanted to find the candy house, and searched for many years. Mom's ability to make the stories real carried over, they were so  believable! It also helped me learn to read before I went to school.  Children are ready to learn when they are interested, and excited about what you are  trying to convey.

It is not too late to get children interested in reading even in the higher elementary grades, use subjects they like and observe what words they stumble on, to get a clue as to why they are having a problem with reading.   Teach them to jump the word and get the meaning of the sentence, so they can guess the word from its letters.  Children learn to read in many ways,two ways to try and help, sounding out, guessing from the content of the sentence.

Do not force, push or bribe, make it exciting eve if you have to do the reading.....
 Remember, we are not all created equal, some children have a problem reading because they can not see a letter in a word, like in dog, they may not see the o.  If you discover this, Mass General has a program that can help, but the basic information is to teach them to jump the word and guess it from the content of the sentence and paragraph.  Some "kids" get good at this.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Black Obelisque Erich Maria Remarque

Remarque was famous for "All Quiet On the Western Front", but this , "The Black Obelisque", was my favorite and if you read the reviews you will see that I am not alone in that.

Hyperinflation after the first world war, and the struggle of the people to endure remains in my mind , probably read by me back in the 50's.  It was a book that remained with me with what seemed like forever.

Another favorite book of mine from when I was a young girl is the story of Madame de Stahl, her salon was famous in Paris, and I wondered at her influence as a woman of the time.  A book  I found in our small library in downtown Framingham.  Our librarians were pretty good at picking great books it also shows the value of a library, whether big or small.

Alma Mahler, was married to two genius' of her time, Mahler and Werfel.  As a young woman, I was struck that she had been honored to share the lives of such brilliant men.  It was an accomplishment not easily done, in her day.  I remember picking out the book in the Framingham library, being enthralled with the story of the time, as I was with the magic of our small library in the Framingham Town Hall Building

Wanda Jackson - One Night With You

did you know her?  I missed her, for some reason, but I recognize the voice....

a review of Secrets of the Heart

Please take a moment to read ....
One of my reviews from Barnes and Noble, there are more on BN and Amazon.  I appreciate this review which conveys the message I tried to give, it was a time long gone, yet you can feel like you lived then.

..AnonymousHighly Recommended Customer Rating Posted December 2, 2010, 2:32 PM EST: This is a wonderful quick-read that melds authentic history from the 30s to the present intertwined with personal stories that sometimes grab your heart and squeeze it. Madlyn writes with such passion, compassion and incite that I couldn't put this book down until I finished it. I didn't want it to end...wanted more. Such a grasp of the era. Love of family, friends, community and country. I loved how Madlyn included music of the times with Meggie's recollection of her intimate experiences. I literally flashed back there again with all its ecstasy and agony. Amazing! I know every one of those songs and it was thrilling to find them online and to connect them to this book. Such a unique concept. She captures the essence of each story in her writing style without extraneous detailing. Concise yet compelling. My first date was at the Totem Pole (which is mentioned in the book.) Madlyn's description brought me back there in an instant. I could see that glittering ball revolving overhead while we danced to a live orchestra (Baron Hugo, I recall) playing "Dream a little Dream of Me" in 1948. She brought me back to the end of World War II. Overwhelming range of emotions were enkindled. In my little community, there was confetti falling like snow, the streets were filled with people crying, laughing.such togetherness. We were all one in spirit. So much love exploding everywhere. Meggie's love of family was expressed so vividly. I was in awe of her spirituality, genuine awareness and acceptance of death. Undoubtedly, you will be astonished as your memory returns to your own experiences while so absorbed in each story just as if you are part of a hologram with the music playing in the background. When you get to know "Meggie", you will feel like you've always known her. You will long to continue a relationship with her. This book inspired me to reconnect to friends I had lost track of through the years and now my life is richer for it. I'm hoping this author writes more books!

Tuck Everlasting and Lost Horizon

A wonderful family story, that my family loved, is "Tuck Everlasting "and a real treat is a story that everyone in the world never forgets once they see it., "Lost Horizon,"  Both movies are about choices in life.
They do not leave you, they keep you thinking.  Buy the popcorn, and have a fun night watching these wonderful stories.

Charlotte's Web Trailer

adding to my suggestions for children's books and movies...
One of my favorite children's books.  It is a story that lives forever.  Buy the book first, the movie  should be shown afterwards.  Don't forget the Sorcerers Apprentice, for music stimulation, and Peter and the Wolf.

Women learn to succeed in business without higher education

The book I posted on the last post about women millionaires, is a good way to pump up about how you can be successful without a higher education.  I know women who are driven by the need to commit to a goal and to work to achieve the goal.  It is not money driven, it is driven by your need to satisfy your life goals.

We all have a purpose on earth, and we are driven and satisfied to the very cells that occupy our body with the rewards of our success.  Candace Pert is an M.D. that puts forth her knowledge of studying addiction, and how our cells react to over stimulation and just right stimulation.  Her knowledge is shared in the book "What the Bleep"

Are You Experienced- Secret Millionaires Club

Are You Experienced- Secret Millionaires Club  this is a wonderful cartoon for children and adults that gives a clear explanation of the needs of a businessman
If more people understood business , we would not be having the fights we have.

Business is the furnace that drives the country.  Business goes through cycles of expand and contract.  Employees in small companies recognize the need to go through the expansion and contraction phase of business.  They have the choice of making the best of their job, and doing the work of 2 employees if necessary or leaving and getting another job.  Seniority is not standing in front of success or who gets laid off

Government does not expand and contract on response, to business actions,as it should, (for many reasons).    If everyone understands this, it gets easier to negotiate and handle future problems.