Thursday, October 28, 2010

James Bond most famous car...see pictures follow link

"Bond's Aston Martin sells for 2.6m: Most famous car in the world"

The silver DB5, which was driven by Sir Sean Connery as the super-spy in Goldfinger and Thunderball, had been expected to go for more than 3million.

See more:

Buddha, mending the world

Buddha, mending the world,   It is absolutely the way to go toward the future.  Let Buddha mend the world.  If all the great religions find a way to incorporate the teachings of Buddha, radicalism should disappear from the world.  It  begins a positive direction, which is desperately needed. Your comments and ideas are appreciated, so we can spread the idea around the world and to the powers that be in each religion.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Father Francis Tiso: Christ In Buddha Nature: Two Worlds-One Heart - New Dimensions - Download Religion Audio

Father Francis Tiso: Christ In Buddha Nature: Two Worlds-One Heart - New Dimensions - Download Religion Audio

This is continuing the conversation about physics, biology, science, religion and now the rainbow body, as known by the Buddists. Father Tiso's tapes are astounding. It all fits together, the same thoughts coming from different directions., physics, biology,Catholicism, Judaism, Buddha.  I do not know of any other place you can buy the tapes by Father Tiso, at this time.  Once they were available from The Noetic Society.  However, get them while you can, they will open your eyes to the hidden worlds, that seem to be converging from all directions.  What if it is, all happening now?

Love, Seth, science, books, and thoughts to eternity

If you read my last post, on the two books that point to the cosmos as an instrument able to change biology, then...

The implications are that everything in biological creation can always be changing , that Christ could have existed as the son of God, that the Neanderthals, could have been a conscious decision by the cosmos or God, as you will ,to end as a species, that we were a deliberate creation, as is and are all the other creations of this planet and the solar system.

My book Secrets of the Heart, is an attempt to put into story form how we are reacting to our environment through different forms of love, challenging love, tormenting love, everlasting love,  miraculous love, premonitions , and more.  Many of my readers find themselves relating to the events in the book, most cry!  It is a way to open your heart to the events you have lived in your own life, and look back with love for what happened.  When it happened you might not have thought it was for love, but it is love that makes most of life happen.  Recklessness, is what erases the actions of love in our life, because recklessness interupts the journey we have as a group, and sends all of us astray as we try to cope.  Do you think that the devil, by nature has to be?  I often think that it does, because everything reacts in life by positive and negative charge, so without the devil, there would be no negative to love.

Reinventing The Sacred ,by Stuart A. Kauffman

In his book, "Reinventing the Sacred", by Stuart A. Kauffman, he says, that following Newton, a physicist would write down the equations for the biosphere and solve them, but this can not be done.  "We can not say ahead of time what functionalities will arise in the biosphere." (pg37) Kauffman goes on with illustrations to conclude that biology is both,epistemologically and ontologically emergent, by citing not only random cosmic rays, quantum events, and continuous space time as factors that inferfere with the ability to use physics to disclose the determinents of biology. 

 I am a humble  lay reader, who can not help but compare what I just read in , The Physics of Christianity, with what is being stated in this book.  Here, Kauffman is clearly stating that we can not use physics to determine biology, because of interference from cosmic rays, quantum events and  space time considerations. Tipler in,  The Physics of Christianity, is stating that physics can prove that Jesus is the son of God, since his claim is that the events could have  happened based on cosmic rays, quantum events and space time considerations.  For me this is a Wow!   Here are two scientists coming at us, biologically, from two different points of view, both saying the same thing.

Don't beat me up too hard, please, I am a tender young soul!