Saturday, September 11, 2010

Franklin Delano Roosevelt declared the attack on Peal Harbor as" a day that would live in infamy."  So shall September 11 be forever in our psyche's as a day of infamy.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Maserati Biturbo making a comeback in 2014

Maserati Biturbo making a comeback in 2014
for Maserati is the new version

You can buy a model really inexpensive for Dad, so he can dream on it...

Anita O'Day - A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square (live in Sweden)

Anita 0'Day and Chris Connor knew how to make their voices fit jazz!  They personified an era, along with the other great ladies of jazz.  The Great Ladies of Jazz album is one of my favorites.

The Seth Books

You need to read the books by Jane Roberts, if you consider yourself spiritual.  It is difficult to get through the comments by her husband which breaks up the spiritual information as it is being channeled, but you can read  and skip the comments, then go back and read it with the comments.  I have done both.  I have found it most helpful to read the books more than once.  Jane , as she channeled Seth, spoke of many lives all at once.  This is the multiverse, our scientists are just now speaking of. 

Jane was on tv one night when I was young, maybe it was in the early 1970's.  I knew then that she was a sensation.  However in those days my skepticism overpowered my brain, and I did not listen to her or even read her books.  One day, 10 years later, my daughter mentioned Jane Roberts, when  my "awakening", was beginning.   Karen and I then devoured all of the Jane Roberts books, and opened our eyes to the unknown worlds.  Skpticism was taking a place to the side,( of open eyes to everything, and listening to our hearts and soul's).

The fact that I read those books and then re read them helped me to identify the information in  her channeling, more than once, with what is now being discovered.  Believe me, I read and re read each of her books with skepticism sitting at my side, but as science proves her right more than once, you can only say, Jane Roberts was the best!
According to Hawking'a latest book there is a multiverse and more.Seth as channeled by Jane Roberts said this many years ago, that we exist in many forms and places all at one time, the same multiverse theory.  I remember from reading Seth, which I pick up and re read as leisure allows, because it is a bible of sorts, to get through life with understanding that there is more than meets the eye, so go with the flow and do your best everyday to be your best!  I will post the Seth books next for those of you that are interested.

Evidence for God from Science

Evidence for God from Science interesting article about the latest
"discovery" of Noah's ark. 

WORLD WAR 2, pre-baby boomer generation

Did you ever wonder what it was like to grow up during the 2nd World War, and how did it affect the children who did?  There are hidden scars.  These children hold a different view of life, than the children who grew up in the baby boom years.  What made the difference?  The view is there in my book, Secrets of the Heart. 

We were affected by the war, though we never had bombs dropped on us in the United States!  We saw, we listened, and we read the newspaper as children.  We were scared for our own lives, and those of our relatives who went to war, possibly never to come home again.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hank Williams - Hey Good Lookin'

Hank Williams and Eddie Arnold brought the sound of Country to the Northeast, and we loved it!

My vintage brooch bouquet, so far | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

My vintage brooch bouquet, so far Flickr - Photo Sharing! What a fun idea, this is for a bridal bouquet.
My 2nd cousin is getting married and this is the bouquet she will carry, with memories of her Nana, and her soon to be husband's Nana.  Just thought i would look and see if there were ideas on Amazon.  I think a beautiful rosary in the bouquet would be super!

Eddy Arnold - Anytime (Stereo Version)

This is the beginning of the love of western music, Gene Autry started it, and Eddy Arnold guaranteed it, for me.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Velvet Moon

This has the sound of "The Doors"
they're good!