Saturday, June 19, 2010

Begin The Beguine - Artie Shaw

Big Band Legends Artie Shaw Greatest Hits 3 Cd SetBig Band Legends Artie Shaw Greatest Hits 3 Cd Set Remember Artie Shaw, and pass him along to those too young to know him, what a glorious sound from the licorice stick

Charlie Byrd trio - Shiny Stockings

Ella Fitzgerald sings this song, and its great! This is the first version of the song I have found on You Tube! is a hard to find jazz great!

Andrea Bocelli - Solamente Una Vez

This is a song I grew up with, because my father sang it to my mother often.

Amstrong- kiss to build a dream on

Watching the news, listening to the commentators,  sitting here feeling terrible about the conditions we face in the world, I decided to go back to a time between the wars....Louis sang this in those long ago days, it was a time of love for us teens!  A way to relax by thinking of the good times.

While My Guitar Gently Weeps

George Harrison, wow!  we can not forget his music.  What did you think of Paul McCartney's rude remark about our past president.  I hope none of us would  ever stand before the English and make a rude remark like that directed toward  a past queen or prime minister.  Paul, that was not worldy of you!

The Shadow Of Your Smile - Kenny G

Ah, Kenny G, lets not forget the beautiful music he makes!

Lena Horne - It Had Better Be Tonight (Meglio Stasera) - Remixed

 I  wanted some thing to remember Lena Horne, who was fabulous in voice, figure, and face!  This song was one of the best, from the Pink Panther film.

"Route 66" - The Manhattan Transfer (2008)

Have you ever traveled across country by vehicle.  If not, rent a motorhome, make it yours with comfort, and head out for freedom.   Go see our great land, see our people, recall our freedom!  What gorgeous skies on route 10 in Texas, heading back east!  What a difference in the landscape as you cross the rockies , the desert and head back to the east.  People died for this magnificent country, not once, but many times!  Go see the grandeur and marvel at it, as my husband and I have.  It is unforgettable!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Here is a site that is interesting, it involves studying who we are , where we could have come from, and it searches the world for answers.  People who study the unknown bring us closer all the time to answers that maybe some of us are afraid to find.  Consciousness is incredible,  its continuing existence is something I choose to believe in, and hope to confirm beyond a doubt.  It will certainly help to make the world a better place, when we come to that conclusion, as a species..  Paul Von Ward has written a few very interesting books, on his studies, that are worth reading if you are interested in the mysteries of our universe and the questions many of us ask ourselves.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Ghost Mountain Boys by James Campbell

The misery of war, the insurmountable task of taking New Guinea, and the picture that McArthur painted, are all in this book.    The terrain of New Guinea is so daunting, and the men were not prepared for the jungle, or the terrifying terrain.  Their supplies were not jungle supplies, the amount of equipment they had to carry was overwhelming.  The jungle life, animals, bugs, snakes, crocs, and the changes in altitude as they climbed up and down mountains offered incredible odds.  Disease stalked the men, while they held on to dreams about home and their families, that kept them alive and moving each day.

The natives were cannibals, the Japanese wrote home about cannabalizing their own, this is how bad the job was for both sides.  Our troops had to fight against Japanese soldiers whose culture honored death before surrender, and an Emperor that told them to fight to the death.   Surrender was not an option for our men, because life was not honored by the Japanese fighting men, who were starving and hung the Australians that they caught from trees, then stripped their flesh, wrapping it in leaves for future meals.

Our men on the way to New Guinea, impregnated the Australian wives and girlfriends of the Australian troops and created enemies of our partners in the war to win against the axis.  I actually cried about 1/2 way through the book.  It is daunting to read, but something you can not put down.  You know that some of the men returned and that is how we have the story now, about one of the fiercest battles in the 2nd World War.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

pulsar planets

On my video bar, you will see pulsar planets, and other space pictures.   Space has sounds, and some of the sounds are like the ones you listen to when you want to meditate.  The beauty of space is incredible and beyond what we can imagine.  Enjoy the new exiciting frontier on my video bar.
This came to me in an e-mail and I thought it was worthy of blogging.


one of the most brilliant men ever!

Obviously, he was a man ahead of his time.

Especially: Read the last quote from 1802.

When we get piled

upon one another in large cities, as in Europe,

we shall become as corrupt as Europe ..

Thomas Jefferson

The democracy will cease to exist

when you take away from those

who are willing to work and give to those who would not.

Thomas Jefferson

It is incumbent on every

generation to pay its own debts as it goes.

A principle which if acted on would save

one-half the wars of the world.

Thomas Jefferson

I predict future happiness for

Americans if they can prevent the government

from wasting the labors of the people under the

pretense of taking care of them.

Thomas Jefferson

My reading of history convinces me

that most bad government results from too much


Thomas Jefferson

No free man shall ever be debarred

the use of arms.

Thomas Jefferson

The strongest reason for the

people to retain the right to keep and bear arms

is, as a last resort, to protect themselves

against tyranny in government.

Thomas Jefferson

The tree of liberty must be

refreshed from time to time with the blood of

patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson

To compel a man to subsidize with

his taxes the propagation of ideas which he

disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson said in 1802:

'I believe that

banking institutions are more dangerous to

our liberties than standing armies.

If the American people ever allow

private banks to control the issue of their

currency, first by inflation, then by

deflation, the banks and corporations that will

grow up around the banks will deprive the people

of all property - until their children

wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers


Now, it is time to remind you to read Atlas Shrugged, again by Ayn Rand, once the 2nd largest seller in the world, next to the Bible....

Monday, June 14, 2010

THE 19TH WIFE by David Ebershoff

Spurred by  great reviews
 like these, Washington Post Book World,  Los Angeles Times, and the  New York Times, I decided to give it a try and it held my interest for the 2-3 days it took to read it through.

 I was interested in how the Mormon leaders were able to convince their followers that it was God's will, to practice polygamy.Naturally, it was like all man made religions, a leader declares it and the sheep blindly follow.  Even in their hearts they knew, it was not the right thing.  Isn't that true of all religious followers, when something is wrong in the heart, you know it.

  Not that this is a biography, it is a work of fiction, but human beings know inside when they are doing right and or wrong, they know the difference between lust and love, and the conflict is obvious in the actions of the men, and women, as the story teller shows between the lines, that emotion and love are hard to corral, when there are too many people to spread your feelings amongst.  As you will see when you experience a polygamous household, in the book.

It also points to the need to be  more stringent in the welfare system, since the cult that remains, not the Mormons as we know them today, but the ones who disobey our laws and still practice polygamy, (the firsts, as they are referred to in the boook)are benefiting from the welfare system of our country, while acting outside the law.

  If you have 10 celestial wives, they are not recognized as wives, so they can collect, mulitply that by $500 a month and you can see the benefit to the man of having serial wives, who can collect.  Work is no longer necessary for the man, and he satisfies his lust with as many women as he can manage to support with the welfare checks and his house.

The book will keep you interested, until about the last third, if you are like me, I was at that point getting anxious to speed up the action.  Weaving back and forth between speakers, it became a little dull when the 19th wife was on the speaking circuit.   An arane feeling came over me, and that is what made it drag.  But, then it got back to the action, as the story neared its end, and conclusions were reached as to who the murderer was, and what happened to the 19th wife.

It would be a good book club selection , with a guide at the back to assist.