Friday, May 7, 2010

Horse drawn carraiges, at Point to Point last weekend

We have the white horses, where the lady is riding in red, behind the driver.  A light coach for a hot day.,

Secrets of the Heart
It has its own web site now, hopefully, my next book, which I am working on now will be ready next year.

Tales of love, pain and the significant events of the 20th century await readers in Secrets of the Heart


ISBN 13 (TP): 978-1-4500-4205-5

ISBN 13 (HB): 978-1-4500-4206-2

Copyright © 2010 Madlyn A. Fafard. Crafted By: Xlibris

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Horses and Carriages

If you are interested in carriage driving, this is a sport in the Olympics.  On Columbus Day weekend there is a big event on carriage driving , I think it is in Kentucky.    The 4 in Hand Club strives to keep the sport of carriage driving alive, so that future generations can see what the coachs could do, what they were like, and how they evolved into the automobile. 

Hyundai vs. BMW? Cars and Horses

Hyundai vs. BMW?

Our horses had a good weekend and arrived home safe and sound, in spite of the heat and a blow out on the trailer.   The horses stayed calm and our men had the tire changed in 15 minutes. The temperature in the Delaware area was brutal...88degrees and 88 humidity! 

A spectacular Vis a Vis, came in next to us, with ladies carrying parasols, the whip and the two grooms riding postillion style.  But, it proved too much for the heavy ponderous horses.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Aspects of the Novel

Aspects of the novel     by E. M. Forrester    Many years ago, this was a bible for writers.        A good novel, is what this book tries to help deliver.  Time and space are the active ingredients, while he points out the difference between a good novel and a great novel.  It is humbling to read, but essential to the writer, to learn , how characters can be developed subtly,  how a story can have ragged ends, and more.  The greatness of War and Peace, Forrester points out is not only its sense of time but its sense of space, ( a great swath of space is covered in the novel).  I am reading it probably for the third time, maybe it will eventually rub off on me.  My first book is Secrets of the Heart.

 My book plays with time, as the main character, who lies dying in her hospital bed, alternates between time on earth and time visiting with departed friends, who are awaiting her coming arrival, in the next dimension.   The characters share the pain, joy and trial of their lives, while learning their pupose of life on earth, and ever lasting love.   Time the unseen and unknown dimension for such a long , long time, is becoming more important to us, as we realize we can pause it, expand it , recall it, and dream it for the future, making it malleable.