Thursday, April 8, 2010

Madlyn Fafard , Secrets of the Heart

Secrets of the Heart   listening to this while reading my e-book will bring you right to the era. Best of the Four Aces

Link to my book is here:

Product Reviews and Ratings by StargazerMA - Barnes & Noble

Secrets of the Heart, xlibris - secrets of the heart / madlyn fafard: Books

 My first novel begins with the 2nd world war, and describes the conflict that children had living in the town of Framingham, Mass., during the war.

Plunge into the world of the late 40's and 50's with Meggie Pitter, who takes you through a generation of love, pain, joy, death, and suffering in what was then a small town.  Follow the songs of the generation, and look them up on Amazon as you read.

Meggie the lead character  leads the way, as she lies on her death bed, encountering her friends and lovers in memory and in the next dimension as they share their stories, in many voices.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Education Today

We need to rethink our education, the system, the school days, the purpose, and redefine free speech.
When children are led to commit suicide because of bullying, by internet, by encounters, should we allow free speech to continue without some boundaries?

When a soldier comes home in a casket to a grieving family, is it necessary for free speech lovers to dishonor him and his family?  Free speech, should not damage someone's soul!  Should we allow free speech to take away the dignity of a dead person?   What can we do to protect free speech, but remove the horrible manner in which it is displayed?

Is our school system producing problems , by integration of all students, rather than the tracking system we had years ago?  Personally, I think we should be giving more guidance to fit the student, rather than the opposite..  If we do our job, they will fit in society.  It is when we do not do our job, that they fall out of society and get in trouble.  Students that drop out, that do not get good marks, etc., are not happy!  So that means we need to change to make them want to go to school.  That is the job we have before us, make everyone want to learn to become a productive member of society and as long as we ignore the unhappy students, we will have serious problems in society.

  Our society is in need of talented trades, and we could be giving a more practical education from day one to the students who we know, will not have the ability to keep up for higher education, or who do not have the inclination.   Banking should come back in the schools, with the students running the banks.  Home economics should come back to the elementary school, baking, sewing, organizing, learning about health and health check ups, all the basics of everyday living in our present society we need to have to prepare the student for life, so if they drop out, or can not compete they can take care of their family with home, and car skills, health skills, banking skills, budgets, etc.

Students with ADD and ADHD  need a different classroom situation, maybe they need to have assisted homework with teachers who train them to focus on their studies,  Homework must be part of the classroom teaching, learning, etc... maybe they need less homework and more class participation marks.  Drugs are not always the answer,maybe more observation by teachers and what we can do in the school to teach focusing and teach how to overcome disabilities.

Tracking would be a valuable tool, to assist the student to reach his potential in a group that has similar abilities and skills.  Everyone is not equal, we all have different abilities.  You can probably answer I knew I would never be a whiz at math, in the lower grades, or I knew I would never be a reader, in the lower grades.   Essential abilities in the brain, need to be addressed, not neglected, if a person is weak in math, then that person needs to learn basic math, banking, budgeting, organizing skills, and skills that increase the ability of that side of the brain that has a problem with math by training with musical instruments.  Learning spacing of notes, groupings, etc., through music,  There are so many things to consider, I could go on forever


 Time to invest in  a home

Uxbridge, Mass.  about 20 minutes to Rt 495  , Franklin and the T,   prices  are incredible, starting at $199,990 for a single family home on condominium land., or consider  Bellingham, just minutes off 495 and the T, starting in the high $200,000's depending on the lot you choose, most are an acre or more. both of these locations are close to the Wrentham Outlet Mall, and other shopping areas, hospitals, and colleges.

 Marlboro, just off Rt 495, near the high school and the Mall, prices start in the $300,000's

These prices will be hard to find when the economy returns to normal, so if you can borrow some of the deposit from your parents,  and get an affordable monthly payment, including taxes, utilities etc.. now is the time to think about taking the plunge into real estate.

If you are looking for a special home, that you want to design build or use our plans and customize, we have estate lots in Natick, Mass., Holliston, Mass., Marlboro on the Sudbury line.  Choose from these easy commute locations that are close to all amenities, shopping, hospitals, colleges, and major roads.

 Give our office a call for all your real estate needs., in the metrowest area around Boston  508-881-6662

Discussions on God, Sheldrake and Dawkins and Vermeer's Hat a great book

Friday, February 22, 2008

Vermeer's Hat by Timothy Brook

Ah! Remember when you first learned about stream of conciousness? I remember well, because it was like a light went on in my head! I loved it, from the day I set eyes on The Sound and The Fury and read Faulkner with gusto, my next favorites being , A Rose For Emily, and As I Lay Dying

Now, with Vermeer's Hat, we have a new form of stream of consciousness. Yes, this time the author goes into a Vermeer painting and discovers thru a doorway from the painting, (and from his learned history of the world), a glimpse through the eyes ( stream of consciousness almost) of the author of what was happening at the time of Vermeer in his world.

Tobacco, silver, beaver hats, chinese trade, the perils of the shipping industry and much more as the world started on its course to become smaller. It is amazing from the ship register's of the time where people came from, and how traveled they were.

It is a memorable book, slow reading because it is not full of suspense, but full of facts, that draw you back to learn more. Also, the idea of visiting the world of the time through the paintings of Vermeer, is clever, and insightful. It is worth reading, the sub title is ,The Seventeeth Century and the Dawn of the Global World.

Posted by madlyn at 7:31 AM 0 comments

Labels: Books, mostly books, newest read

Friday, January 11, 2008

Richard Dawkins vs Rupert Sheldrake

In the interest of God, and the interest of mankind, this is worth reading....a point of view that promotes a book at the expense of the truth, is not what a scientist should be searching for. I wonder what you think?

This release came to me from the Rupert Sheldrake site, I subscribe to.

News Release from Rupert Sheldrake Online

11th January 2008

From Rupert Sheldrake

"Richard Dawkins Comes to Call" has just been published in Network Review: The Journal of the Scientific and Medical Network and is now on the web site - It is also pasted below.

Richard Dawkins comes to call

Rupert Sheldrake

Richard Dawkins is a man with a mission – the eradication of religion and superstition, and their total replacement with science and reason. Channel 4 TV has repeatedly provided him with a pulpit. His two-part polemic in August 2007, called Enemies of Reason, was a sequel to his 2006 diatribe against religion, The Root of All Evil?

Soon before Enemies of Reason was filmed, the production company, IWC Media, told me that Richard Dawkins wanted to visit me to discuss my research on unexplained abilities of people and animals. I was reluctant to take part, but the company’s representative assured me that “this documentary, at Channel 4’s insistence, will be an entirely more balanced affair than The Root of All Evil was.” She added, “We are very keen for it to be a discussion between two scientists, about scientific modes of enquiry”. So I agreed and we fixed a date.

I was still not sure what to expect. Was Richard Dawkins going to be dogmatic, with a mental firewall that blocked out any evidence that went against his beliefs? Or would he be open-minded, and fun to talk to?

The Director asked us to stand facing each other; we were filmed with a hand-held camera. Richard began by saying that he thought we probably agreed about many things, “But what worries me about you is that you are prepared to believe almost anything. Science should be based on the minimum number of beliefs.”

I agreed that we had a lot in common, “But what worries me about you is that you come across as dogmatic, giving people a bad impression of science.”

He then said that in a romantic spirit he himself would like to believe in telepathy, but there just wasn’t any evidence for it. He dismissed all research on the subject out of hand. He compared the lack of acceptance of telepathy by scientists such as himself with the way in which the echo-location system had been discovered in bats, followed by its rapid acceptance within the scientific community in the 1940s. In fact, as I later discovered, Lazzaro Spallanzani had shown in 1793 that bats rely on hearing to find their way around, but sceptical opponents dismissed his experiments as flawed, and helped set back research for well over a century. However, Richard recognized that telepathy posed a more radical challenge than echo-location. He said that if it really occurred, it would “turn the laws of physics upside down,” and added, “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.”

“This depends on what you regard as extraordinary”, I replied. “Most people say they have experienced telepathy, especially in connection with telephone calls. In that sense, telepathy is ordinary. The claim that most people are deluded about their own experience is extraordinary. Where is the extraordinary evidence for that?”

He produced any evidence at all, apart from generic arguments about the fallibility of human judgment. He assumed that people want to believe in “the paranormal” because of wishful thinking.

We then agreed that controlled experiments were necessary. I said that this was why I had actually been doing such experiments, including tests to find out if people really could tell who was calling them on the telephone when the caller was selected at random. The results were far above the chance level.

The previous week I had sent Richard copies of some of my papers, published in peer-reviewed journals, so that he could look at the data.

Richard seemed uneasy and said, “I’m don’t want to discuss evidence”. “Why not?” I asked. “There isn’t time. It’s too complicated. And that’s not what this programme is about.” The camera stopped.

The Director, Russell Barnes, confirmed that he too was not interested in evidence. The film he was making was another Dawkins polemic.

I said to Russell, “If you’re treating telepathy as an irrational belief, surely evidence about whether it exists or not is essential for the discussion. If telepathy occurs, it’s not irrational to believe in it. I thought that’s what we were going to talk about. I made it clear from the outset that I wasn’t interested in taking part in another low grade debunking exercise.”

Richard said, “It’s not a low grade debunking exercise; it’s a high grade debunking exercise.”

In that case, I replied, there had been a serious misunderstanding, because I had been led to believe that this was to be a balanced scientific discussion about evidence. Russell Barnes asked to see the emails I had received from his assistant. He read them with obvious dismay, and said the assurances she had given me were wrong. The team packed up and left.

Richard Dawkins has long proclaimed his conviction that “The paranormal is bunk. Those who try to sell it to us are fakes and charlatans”. Enemies of Reason was intended to popularize this belief. But does his crusade really promote “the public understanding of science,” of which he is the professor at Oxford? Should science be a vehicle of prejudice, a kind of fundamentalist belief-system? Or should it be a method of enquiry into the unknown?

Rupert Sheldrake


Some Email filters block any messages containing links to web sites, sounfortunately we cannot include links in this newsletter, but all the links are easily accessible form the home page of the website

Best wishes,


Posted by madlyn at 8:13 AM 0 comments

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Vermeer's Hat by Timothy Brook

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Richard Dawkins vs Rupert Sheldrake

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Going to Wintertur for Point to Point races

A team of grey Kladruby horses, pulls an antique coach in the parade at Wintertur. Cheyenne Fafard is on the box seat with Sir Paul.  Howard is behind him and all you can see is Howard's grey hat.  First weekend in May, this is a fabulous event in Delaware.