Monday, May 26, 2008

Physics of the Impossible

The book, Physics of the Impossible, is a fun read, bringing lots of fun things into the realms of possibility.

The author divides the ideas into three classes, maybe we could realize these within a century for the first group, the second violates no laws of physics, but are less plausible, and the third group, violate the laws of physics, so seem within the realm of impossibility.

The thought that some of the dreams of science fiction and futuristic technology may not, cannot come true, is hard to swallow, because, if we are beings of light, and creators of our own environment, maybe we can make it what we want it to be . The laws of science have been established and then shown to be different in the past, could this happen again, with new ideas, new breakthroughs? Why not?

I am thrilled as a lay reader that Micho Kaku, provides me with an opportunity to know the difference between possible and impossible, as we understand physics today. I wonder, as people change places on earth, as history comes to be made and goes to be studied, as the past recedes and the future becomes, does the impossible also become possible?

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Years and years of questions and answers, sometimes lead nowhere, but last night in my dreaming state, the thought came to me, and it does appear to have merit., that we are beings of light.

As a college student the philosphy professor asked, "If there is a tree in the forest that falls, and no one is around to hear it, is there a sound?"

In those days, no one thought to ask," if there is no one to see the forest, or see the tree, does it exsist? "

In quantum theory, we know the particle is seen only if there is an observer, yet light exsists without an observer.

With this in mind, it appears that we are beings of light, and that we are here with the intent to observe, therefore, what we observe exsists, and what we do not observe is non exsistant in particle form, everything is light/waves. We exsist with intent to exsist and intent to observe, and when our time in the play of life is reached, we leave particle form to become a wave of light again.

This takes my thought even further, I am convinced that we have lessons in love to learn in this world, and that the main intent of being an observer is to learn lessons in love., or to help others learn. One can not think of love as just giving, it is more than that, and the depth of love is learned in many ways, too numerous to discuss, but never too numerous to learn.

Should we turn our cheek when the Terrorists attacks us? Should we as a nation allow ourselves to be called Terrorists? The depth of the questions and the answers are deep, thoughtful and heart wrenching. Choosing to become, is for the brave, for those of us who have agendas, not all good, not all bad, we are in a tug of war, between right and wrong just to learn how to love.

Is there really a devil? If there is a devil, is he a volunteer in the play of life, so that we have forces of evil to work against, or is he real? Was Hitler a volunteer in the observation of the life play that we call The Great War , that he had the lead in, or was he the devil incarnate?

Are the people in the United States that call our own country a Terrorist nation, really believers that our country has stooped to that dimension in the play of life, or are they taking volunteer parts to get us to review our actions, our directions and our intentions.

When we established our Nation, we formulated it on the Bible , justice, freedom of religion, wonderful rights that caused many in the world to long to become part of the United States. My Grandmother came to the United States around the turn of the Century with her brothers, and her three children, for a better life.

Let freedom ring, and it did, it was our Intent to be free, to live in a land where there was justice, opportunity to get ahead, to learn, to grow, wihout opression, from Government, or other powerful groups.

Where is the belief of the Founding Fathers today? Is it strong enough, to give us back our Intent, to be a shining Nation, a prmised land where the streets where paved with gold, as so many immigrants thought?

Our forebears did not have it easy, but they were not constrained either. Opportunity was everywhere, and they struggled. Each small struggle showed that the Intent was there, to become better. Intent, caused some poor people to begin to rise above poverty level, as my family did. As they stepped up the ladder they made room for people of Intent to join them.

Intent, love for mankind and lessons in love, are the only reason for our being here.
Remove all your clothes, dispense of all your possessions, they are only here by Intent, and what do you have left? Now you can ask yourself again, why am I here?

Am I here to gain clothing, housing, shelter from the cold, food, water, amass fortunes, lean on welfare, create jobs for others, pave the way for new comers to the world, or to grow the soul, in lessons in Love., in all the ways provided by the Intent we carry with us.