Saturday, August 25, 2007

Dr Inamullah Khan/Dr Dyson, physicist

Dr Inamullah Khan , Templeton Prize winner 1988...Secretary General of the World Muslim Congress, proponent of peace within and between the world religions. How wonderful that a Muslim has gained this , the greatest of all prizes in the world. Now, can we expect that a Muslim will once again get this prize in stopping the radical Muslim movement worldwide? Could we work for that in the Muslim world? Is there a man that can stand against the radical leaders, diminish their standing in the Muslim world, and gain the prize that to all of us, should be the most highly desired.

As Dr. Freeman Dyson, physicist, said, when he received his Templeton prize...."How little we yet know, how eager to search and learn?"(page 156)

At the public ceremony at Washington's National Cathedral, he said, "The greatest unsolved mysteries are the mysteries of our exsistence as conscious beings in a small corner of a vast universe. Why are we here? Does the universe have a purpose? When comes our knowledge of good and evil?" (PAGE 154)

Quotes are from ,John Templeton, supporting scientific research for Spiritual Discoveries

Truly, is there a greater quest?

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho

The story about a young shepherd, who learns to follow his heart and soul, by living in the present, rather than the past, in doing so, his future will be allowed to come to him as he chooses it to be.

It is the whole idea of what we are here for in a short tale about life's adventures through the eyes of a young Spanish boy, who chases a treasure. Don't we all chase a treasure? How many of us realize that the treasure is not money wealth, but well being? If you are happy, if you follow your heart and follow your soul ,things will work out. The universe is there for you, listen to it and it will listen to you. This is a great introduction into the many books that are now presenting about quantum theory and how we as human beings are affected by this new learning about the universe.

I was reading Genghis Khan , but interrupted it because my grandson wants to read,
The Alchemist too, so it will be a great gift for him to get this message before he leaves for college. Note that I spelled Genghis wrong in my previous blog....I think I have seen it as Ghengis, and Genghis, so the spelling is ? Probably Genghis.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Ghengis Khan

Got trapped with out the book I was reading, so I started Ghengis Khan. It is astonishing that people think of the Mongols as vicious raiders of the steppes, when in fact, according to this book they united the world of ideas. The Mongols, carried across their conquered territories the ideas from many countries, bringing nothing from their world, but bringing everything from the conquered worlds.

They took the best and combined the best with the best of other cultures and in doing so they carried the world out of the dark ages and into the beginning of the Renaissance. They brought ideas, such as central fair government, new weapons of warfare, they penetrated enemy lines to spread fear and keep down the number of deaths, etc. Kings and Emperors were treated as the common man, no one was better than another. Astonishment, is what I am coming away with, in the beginning of this book.

The descendants of Ghengis Khan ruled for 700 years! The number of people and countries Ghengis managed to conquer and bring together under one rule, is astonishing. There is something to learning about the time of Ghengis Khan, that helps one to think about the spread of ideas in the ancient world. How and why the Renasissance started under the influence of one man of power, and how that relates to the world today? Interesting question! I will keep you posted.