Friday, July 27, 2007

New ideas, book

We are in Newport, preparing for the big Concour of automobiles, to benefit the Preservation Society, that takes care of all the large Mansions of the Golden Age.
Our friends from Florida are here. They just returned from a world cruise, where they were frightened by two messages.

One was in Africa, where in Kenya, they were reminded on a tour that Obama's father lives in Kenya, and Obama is sympathetic to his father's views, ( father is a Muslim) so one wonders what the father's views are?? I can not decipher that, can you?

The other was a statement by an Egyptian businessman, educated in the United States, for 8 years, who warned that the United States is the only country who can stop the bomb from going to the extremists. Once they get the bomb, the United States, will never realize what hit them, they will destroy our economy and in turn the economy of the world. That is hard to consider, but easy to imagine happening.

I keep thinking, if the extremists were mass murderers, everyone would be looking for them, and our country would all be together in finding them. Should we change the language of description, from extremists to mass murderers, to get everyone on one side? The frustration of ending this religious suicide and mass murder is overwhelming. Will it really go away, by calling our troops home? What will end it, a capitulation? The questions are out there, and how WE see our future, is so important as we approach this Presidential election.

The other day I was reading Depak Chopra's new book, "Life After Death" and Depak makes the statement in so many words that Christ was the only one that talked about Heaven being inside of us. The page describing Christ's teachings, whether you believe in Christ or not, makes sense.If I had the book beside me I would quote it for you. All great ideas seem to be merging, there is a "Consilience"

I have with me this weekend, "The Jesus Papers", a book by one of the writers of "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" I will be starting that as I finish Depak's book. I recommend Depak, to anyone that wants to start the chase of ideas. Chasing ideas is probably the best and most mysterious chase there is....all tie together, if you follow the books I have been reading.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Palm Beach days the 80's

Palm Beach Days
In the 80's we owned John Lennon's Vanderbilt mansion in Palm Beach, our daughter Karen is on left with her husband, Ian. The neighbor's cat was out front, and a car stopped as we watched...someone grabbed the cat, and yelled "we got John Lennon's cat!", and took off, like a bat! Ha ha...

I am thinking about Karen today, as I often do. She died about three years ago. A mother's heart never stops aching for a child. I sat with her for hours hoping to be there when she passed. Finally, the nurse told me to think about leaving the room, because sometimes a person hangs on when a loved one is there.

After 12 hours in the hospital, Howard came to get me. Ian took my place, and he was with Karen for about three more hours. She smiled as she died, he told me, and I was finally able to release my grief, in the privacy of my bedroom, squashing my pillow over my mouth. The long years of her suffering with cancer where over and my first born was gone forever from the earth. In the blink of an eye, in the moment of one breath, in a sigh of resignation... there was acceptance of what had to be

Sunday, July 22, 2007

first book I read by Laszlo, great reading

Here is another book, I read over the last year, this was my introduction to Laszlo, and I loved the book. It helps to stay with his thoughts, which in my opinion are on target, since others are sharing his eye opening theories
Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything (Paperback)
by Ervin Laszlo (Author)

He and Wilson should talk, but, I am sure if I try and put them together, they will both throw out or not read my suggestion. What fun, what dreams they could explore! Maybe I will try and put them together. Who would dream the coincidence of me reading their ideas at the same time?

To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come”
—-Hamlet, William Shakespeare

listening to music , reading and thinking...nice links.

here is a nice link for easy music

Click here: my RED lounge - RED is Jazz, Blues, Swing and Lounge - Listen Live Now

While you listen,please read, what one of the great thinkers of our time Ervin Lazlo has to say about space and matter. Do you agree with me, his paper, is faintly familiar with the thoughts of Edward O. Wilson in the book Consilience

too many parties

In Newport last night, went to a Gershwin Cabaret at the Redwood Library. The library is spectacular because it has a collection of antique portraits that rivals many museums in the country. There is also a collection of antique books, and an illustrated bible from the 14th century.

Too much partying this week, no desire to go to the parties in Newport next week, but friends from Florida are coming, along with friends from Framingham, so we must, we must, continue to party. We should have learned when we did the Palm Beach circuit!